Conference 2024
Group Therapy Centre Cambridge Conference
12 October 2024 9.30am – 4.30pm
Unhoused Minds and Inhospitable Environments
Exclusion, Migration, Trauma and Belonging
Speakers: Christopher Scanlon and John Adlam
Respondent: Revd. Alex Clare-Young
Venue: Downing Place URC, Cambridge CB2 3EL“At a time of cultural devastation, the reality a courageous person has to face up to is that one has to face up to reality in new ways”.
About the Conference
Nation states of the Global North continue to respond to complex issues of human migration and homelessness, in the gathering shadows of war and climate disaster, with simplistic sloganeering – ‘Stop the boats’ – and with cynical measures to criminalise the migrant and the vagrant. Rarely does consideration of our part in displacing people, or of the ethic of hospitality towards our fellow human beings, intrude upon these public ‘controversies’.
This conference will explore the nature of un-housedness, the dynamics of “in-groups” and “out-groups” and the issues of belonging and membership, domination and power using the lens of the “Diogenes Paradigm” (Scanlon and Adlam 2022).
We hope to join with you in new conversations around what a hospitable approach of welcoming the boats might look like in this Anthropocene Age; what ethical and conceptual premises would it be founded on; what structures and practices would sustain it; and how we might come together to reclaim the stigmatising term ‘vagabondage’?
There will be opportunities for small and large group discussions facilitated by the Group Therapy Centre staff team.
All are welcome to attend and to participate in this unique event. It will be of interest to both the housed and the unhoused; to practitioners working with marginalised individuals and groups; to all those who have an interest in exploring ways to promote and to practise hospitality and social inclusion at both personal and community levels.
CPD Certificates will be issued.
John Adlam is a group psychotherapist and independent researcher, working mainly in the National Health Service, UK. He is a founder member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies and of the Henderson Heritage Group.
Christopher Scanlon is a psycho-social consultant/researcher and consultant psychotherapist in forensic and adult mental health. He is a training group analyst and the Institute of Group Analysis and the Irish Group Analytic Society, and founder member of the Association for Psychosocial Studies.
Alex Clare-Young (they/them) is Pioneer Minister working out of Downing Place Church. They are also a trans non-binary person and have written and worked extensively in the area of diversity, equity and inclusion.
To register, please contact
- Early Bird – £50 (until 31st August)
- Concession – £50 (charitable organisations and students)
- Full – £75
- There are free places available for unwaged and those receiving benefits
Group Therapy Centre
Sort code: 30 91 56
Account number: 00015775
Please reference payment with C24 and your name.
For receipt or invoice please contact
For any other queries please contact Andy Espey, Centre
About the Group Therapy Centre
The Group Therapy Centre is a not-for-profit charitable organization which has provided free and low cost group psychotherapies to the people of Cambridgeshire for over 50 years. The Centre is part-funded by local NHS commissioners.
Conference Timetable
9.30am | Registration |
10.00am | Introductions |
10.15am – 11.30am | Speakers and Response |
11.30am – 12.00noon | Break |
12.00noon – 1.00pm | Large group discussion |
1.00pm – 2.00pm | Lunch |
2.00pm – 2.15pm | Provocation / preparation for small groups |
2.15pm – 3.15pm | Small group discussion |
3.15pm – 3.30pm | Break |
3.30pm – 4.30pm | Large group discussion / plenary |
Lear, J. (2008). Radical Hope: Ethics in the Face of Cultural Devastation. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Scanlon, C. & Adlam, J. (2022). Psycho-social Explorations of Trauma, Exclusion and Violence: Un-housed Minds and Inhospitable Environments. London: Routledge