IGA Foundation Course
About Group Analysis
‘Group Analysis’ is a method developed for working therapeutically with people in groups. Dr. S.H. Foulkes, a psychoanalyst, applied psychodynamic theory together with elements of Gestalt Psychology and aspects of the sociology of Norbert Elias to the group setting. Together with his colleagues he then founded the Institute of Group Analysis in London, from where a number of courses have been set up in the UK and in many other countries.
About the Course
The aim of the course is to enable students to experience what happens when people meet and work together in a group. You will learn about and experience group process and group dynamics through seminars, work reflection groups, and through being a member of an experiential group for the duration of the course. The rhythm of the course over 10 monthly Saturdays gives the opportunity to work intensively and brings to the foreground the importance of working with boundaries and separations. The Course offers a blended mix of online and in-person group experiences.
The Theory Dan Neale – Member Institute Group Analysis
The seminars and workshops provide an introduction to the psychodynamic theory underlying Group Analysis and to “group specific” processes and concepts. We also explore further the practicalities of working with groups in various settings (NHS, Social Services, Schools, Private Practice, Counselling etc.)
Students will be invited to participate actively by presenting relevant papers. In other seminars students can, if they wish, present their own work situation and discuss issues and problems they experience there.
The Course Handbook will be provided as soon as the students have registered for the course.
The Group Experience
Conducted by a Member of the Institute of Group Analysis
Although the 45 hours spent in an experiential group can only provide an introduction, it is also true that the participants discover quite a few things…
- About themselves as they seek to relate to each other in the group on a strictly personal level.
- About therapeutic groups: which experiences can be helpful and which might be potentially harmful.
- About the skills of a group conductor: how to cope with the stress which working with therapeutic groups inevitably brings; how to facilitate communication and how to safeguard the boundaries etc.
- About the limitations of group therapy: concerning one’s own suitability and also its use for others.
- About the space within groups to connect and experience others views, thoughts, processes around the course and learning about Group Analysis.
Further Training
The completion of this course qualifies you to apply for the IGA Diploma Course in Groupwork Practice and associate membership of the Institute of Group Analysis.
Download more informationAPPLY
Download more informationCourse Fee £1520
Payment options available. We are happy to discuss this with you.
10% Discount to Charitable Organisations
10% Discount for Early Bird applications (before 31st May 2024)
(Please contact Course Convenor for details of bursaries available for students in need of financial support)
Theory Seminars and Work Reflection:(In Person) 13.00 – 16:30 on 10 Saturdays from Oct 2024- July 2025 (minimum 80% attendance required). 2024: 5th Oct, 2nd Nov, 7th Dec
2025: 4th Jan, 1st Feb, 8th Mar, 12th Apr, 10th May, 7th Jun, 5th Jul Experiential Groups: (Online) Three terms of 10 weeks, weekday evenings.
(Day of the week to be agreed) Venue:
The Group Therapy Centre
3 Downing Place
Cambridge CB2 3EL
grouptherapycambridge.org.uk Contact:
Dan Neale
Course Convenor
dln203@hotmail.com online prospectus: